Attacks on press freedom increases 8% in 2014

[Spanish version] Albert Jiménez (@albertjimenez14) – Freedom of expression suffered a blow in 2014 to increase its attacks in up to 8% as stating from Reporters Without Borders. The report shows that attempts to aumentaros censorship on five continents, being Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea as countries where there is a greater degree of censorship and Finland, Norway and Denmark with countries with greater health information.

Map of Reporters Without Borders. It shows us de freedom of information in each country

Map of Reporters Without Borders. It shows us de freedom of information in each country

Europe is the continent that occupies the first ranking of press freedom but it’s curious the fall of 5.6% has been over last year. In contrast, the Middle East is the lowest ranked region with North Africa. Both areas have called black regions, which are areas dominated by non-governmental groups where freedom of information is nonexistent. Two examples are the domain exercised by the Islamic State in areas of Iraq or Syria and the power of paramilitary groups in areas of African mining exploitation.

The biggest drops in classification have been Andorra (no legal mechanisms freedom of information and journalists are very limited when covering activities of Andorran banks), Italy (problems with the mafia), Venezuela (La Guardia National Bolivarian shoot journalists identified in demonstrations) and Ecuador, where the forced rectification of information has become a way of institutionalized censorship.

The largest increases were in Mongolia (thanks to the introduction of a law to protect access to information), Georgia (currently in the process of beneficial transition for information) and the Ivory Coast, which since the end of civil war in 2010 has seen every passing journalists and citizens are freer year to exercise the right to information

In the downloadable report on the website of Reporters Without Borders can see the parameters which take into account to perform the analysis. Journalists, collaborators and killed or imprisoned are mainly the following guidelines to describe the degree of press freedom in each country.

German media group Bertelsmann is to invest in Brazil, China and India

The group has announced the new strategy on its official website.

[Versión en español] Clara Macau.- The German communication group Bertelsmann is going to invest in digital media in Brazil, China and India, according to The company will rise its invoicing to 1.000 milllion Euro in these countries, following an agreement reached in a meeting of its executives this week.

Thomas Rabe, CEO at Bertelsmann, has pointed out that territorial expansion is now a business priority, due to the raise of these countries middle class’ purchasing power and the consequent growing demand of digital media.

Last year, the grup invested in eleven new digital businesses in China, among them the shopping digital platform Mogujie and the company iClick.