Anuari Mèdia.Cat achieve more than 9.000€ of funding in only one week


Albert Jimenez (@albertjimenez14) – A project sponsored the annual “Observaroti crític dels mitjans” to compile a directory with all content without space in the mainstream media is on track. 15,000€ is requested to carry out the project through Verkami. Well, in just seven days have already been raised over  9,000€ a very good figure considering that there are still 33 days until the deadline closes to make money.

This “Yearbook” will present three important news. On one side, it will be more emphasis on data journalism and to make it more understandable infographics will be present in nearly 12 reports yearbook. It is also printed in double color to better understand these infographics and web will be modified to be visible all the reports from previous years.

Given that all previous years has exceeded which called for pulling out the project, everything indicates that this year will be different and that the Anuari Mèdia.Cat raise over 15,000€ those who had targeted initial.

View the spanish publication of this topic.

The 15th session of the Communication Forum firms that the future of the Catalan radio is online

Spanish version


Fèlix Riera, Catalunya Radio’s director

Andrea López (@andrealpzt) – The director of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (ACC, CAC in Catalan), Roger Loppacher, and the directors of the most listened radios in Catalan, Eduard Pujol, RAC1’s director, Fèlix Riera, Catalunya Radio’s director, and Carles Cuní, cofounder of the Flaix Group, have attended the fifteenth session of the Communication Forum organized by the ACC. This one was called “The future of radio in Catalan” and it took place at the headquarters of the Mobile World Center.

All the speakers agree on the good health of the sector as positive consumption growth in radio with 77% of consumers Catalan radio. The aspect that ruled the presentations was the importance of the adaptation to the new universe of the Internet which has contributed to the success of the radio in Catalonia. “Technology plays for radio”, explained Eduard Pujol, RAC1’s director. “It helps to accelerate the digital consume with the podcast, that let you not consume the radio on air.” With numbers of its own station, Pujol affirmed that RAC1 is the most listened in all Spain and 10% of its listeners listen it through digital consume.

The Catalunya Radio’s director, Felix Riera, reiterated in the modernity of the industry in the Catalan territory, with a “more direct communication with the listener”. Riera considers that telecommunications is the “huge area where the future of communications will be decided”. Carles Cuní, cofounder of the Flaix Group, explained that Flaix has a website with millions of visits per day, a free application which is used to hear the station from any mobile device and boasted of its strong presence in social networks, being the station with more followers on Twitter.

After a round of questions, the four professionals of the radio conclude with a positive message: “We are a country of radio”, affirmed the director of ACC. Roger Loppacher emphasized the capability that the radio has to “adapt to the constant changes” in the digital era and its strong health throughout history.